

Hi there, my name is Wak Tiga Lalat. I live in Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia, near to Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia. We have two tallest towers in the world!

My hobbies are on photography and blogging. I visited the USA, Japan, Netherlands, France, Australia, Cambodia, Thailand, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia.

I like to to have all kind of postcards with beautiful stamps from your country only. If you happens to send me postcards from other country, but send your country's postcard again.

Please do not send me animals, greeting cards, handmade crafts or self printed cards.

I like to swap postcards with everyone. Please email me for any enquiries at 3lalat@gmail.com.

I am new to this postcrossing and I will write more about myself here.

This is my blog about postcrossing and other hobbies: http://postcrossing-3lalat.blogspot.my/
My main blog: http://tigalalat.blogspot.my/
My email: 3lalat@gmail.com

Have fun and happy postcrossing!
Updated. 151211 (Friday) 160123 (Saturday)